
Julia E. Torres is a Language Arts teacher at a public high school in Denver, Colorado.  She finds humor in every day moments with her family, friends, and students she teaches.  Julia’s favorite genres to read are biographies, historical fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction. Julia has had the great privilege of traveling to Mexico, Canada, Iceland, Bermuda, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, and Costa Rica.  She lived in Brazil as a teenager, and continues to be close with her adopted family and friends who live there.

Many pieces that Ms. Torres writes and publishes on Medium.com are for her students to read, and the wider audience of her peers in the field of education.  She believes in students having a reading and writing teacher who is also a reader, and a writer.  As such, she does her best to model the types of writing she asks students to produce, then share them with a real audience, as real writers do.  “Ms. Torres”, “Miss”, “Torres”, or “Mama T”, as her students call her, enjoys teaching writing primarily because the field is constantly evolving in both content, and form.  She also feels that now, more than ever, is the time for students to develop their voices and use them to produce positive change.  Julia feels that helping students develop their own personal writing voice and style is the gift that keeps giving.  She remains passionately commited to amplifying student voices by any means possible. Teaching, aside from her family, is Julia’s greatest love.

As an advocate for all students, and public education, Ms. Torres regularly undertakes speaking engagements, facilitates workshops and professional conversations about equity, anti-bias/anti-racist education, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and literacy in the digital age. She also serves on several local and national boards and committees that promote educational equity and progressivism.

Reach her via the contact form here or contract her services through The Educator Collaborative

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